Timed Out

The Mystery Knit-Along shawl has been set aside again. This time to do some mad dash weaving to finish a project that is meant for a friend.

In the mean time, here are a couple of photos that show a fast moving cold front that came in about a month ago. In the first picture, you are looking West-Northwest, towards the right of the inside pasture. It is 11.05.12 AM
(sorry about the power lines, but this a quick ‘n dirty photo shoot)

In the next photo, I’ve swung the camera a little more to my right, more North-Northwest. You see a bit of the pasture, looking past the fence and above the trees in the Five Acre Wood, a clear line of the leading edge of the cold front has appeared. It is 11.05.49 AM

In less than a minute, you can see the front lifting over the trees and within another minute, the dark grey cloud zoomed over the hill and was gone.

Of course the temperature dropped and the whole event brought us back to the reality that winter was still quite real. A couple of those cold fronts have come since, although not so dramatically. Each one is a good reason to stay inside and finish that weaving project, then pick up that timed out knitting.

Y’all stay warm.

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The Baby Booties Break

Ah, yes, those Baby Booties for Benjamin, the truly mini-project that called for immediate knitting. They were an emergency knit only because I have been distracted by so many beautiful yarns that had to become shawls. After all, I knew he was coming for months!

The pertinent information: “Baby Booties” is designed by Carole Barenys, is a free pattern that can be found in Ravelry or you can find a similar pattern (the number of stitches cast-on are 2 less) on her website. It is called the One Strand Bootie.

Alterations: The pattern in Ravelry calls for three purl rows interspersed with the knit rows on the instep; I used only knit rows. Suggestions: Another knitter used one purl stitch row around the foot at the beginning of the garter stitch rows, then knit until one more purled row before creating the sole.
Also, the pattern calls for 15 rows for the instep; next time, I think 12 rows would be enough for a new baby. There are adjustments in the pattern for larger sizes. (The notebook in the first photo has handwritten notes similar to the alterations and suggestions.) Other than a plain knit stitch instep, I followed the pattern.

The yarn is Katia Austral, 50% Merino Wool, 50% Acrylic, 8 ply (in baby blue, of course), and needles are Knitpicks’ Harmony and unknown metal, size 4 U.S. (3.50 mm). The Knitpicks are my favourite 4″ dpn’s for small sock knitting, which was perfect for the cuffs. But the knitting along the soles call for too many stitches for 4 inch needles, so I switched after each cuff.

(Click/double-click photos to enlarge)

The change to longer double-pointed needles to accommodate “picking up” the stitches along the side of the bootie.

After finishing the sole stitches (sounds like a blues title), they are all put onto two needles and may be sewn or Kitchener stitched (a knitter’s method of joining stitches as if they are knitted). The completed sole… (the brighter color comes from better lighting and color contrast; from work table to celebratory layout. ~ the magic of sunlight!)

Baby Blue Booties for Benjamin…

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Mystery Shawl KAL

First, it’s a mystery that I thought I would have time to knit another shawl.
However, second, after you see this yarn you will see why I could not turn down the opportunity to participate in a knit-along with Susan Sarabasha’s, the Spinning Bunny, challenge with her design, “La Mer”.

There are two yarns called for in the pattern and I chose the colourway ‘Forest Lake’ in Panda (60% SW Merino, 30% Bamboo and 10% Nylon) and Donegal (85% BFL and 15% Nylon). All hand dyed by Susan, who I believe is an undiscovered artist. (Well, not totally – she does have quite a following; you can join us on Ravelry.)

Today I will give you just a peek at the beginning of my progress. (The pink pad is my beading mat; it keeps little mad beads from rolling away)

I am seeing the lovely design of a soft wave at the bottom of this shawl …

And the last photo of the day is a better look at the wonderfully mesmerizing color of this yarn.

There is one more row of the lace section before I launch into the body of the shawl, but baby booties are needed Now! My friend’s second grandbaby arrived sooner than I planned, so emergency knitting is called for the new arrival, all 7 pound and 3 ounces of him. Shawl update and Booties photos coming next week.

Happy Presidents’ Day!

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